80x3 Podcast Series: Focusing on Equity to Create Inclusive and Welcoming Early Childhood Environments - Part 2

Jamie Bonczyk


Angela Clair, Director of Early Childhood Services at Wilder Child Development Center, joins Priscilla Weigel and Beth Menninga to share her center's story of rethinking their approach to expulsion with the goal of truly being inclusive.  How can we include parents and staff to shift our organizational thinking and practices in our responses to big behaviors so that our doors welcome and support all children to thrive in our early childhood programs? 

 (Length: 29:23)

About the Author

Jamie Bonczyk is a Program Officer for 80×3: Resilient from the Start, an innovative region-wide initiative to increase capacity to support parenting skills and provide trauma-sensitive early child care in a safe, stable environment that supports child resiliency. Her background includes the roles of executive director of an early learning nonprofit, Head Start administrator, adjunct instructor, author, professional development content creator, and preschool teacher. Jamie has a bachelor’s degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead and a master’s degree from Roosevelt University, both in early childhood education. She completed a Head Start Management Fellowship at UCLA and became a Certified Professional Project Manager through the University of St Thomas.

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