MACMH Podcast Series – Black Boys Healing Episode 2 Trauma Is...

Jamie Bonczyk


About the podcast: The Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health has a mission to promote and pursue optimal mental health from infancy to young adulthood. Every topic of this podcast is approached with an open and critical mind exploring opportunities to view circumstances through a different lens. Being in this space means we advocate for all children to have equal access and opportunities to develop the skills to nourish their lives. We begin to help others remove their blinders while we’re also being challenged to remove our own. We need to see other people, appreciate their perspectives, and perhaps even learn from their journeys. There are mental health issues specific to young Black boys that are not being addressed and we must offer encouragement, give them permission, and provide safe spaces where they can be vulnerable. Throughout this podcast series, we’ll discuss and provide tangible instruction on how we can work together to heal our communities.

About the Author

Jamie Bonczyk is a Program Officer for 80×3: Resilient from the Start, an innovative region-wide initiative to increase capacity to support parenting skills and provide trauma-sensitive early child care in a safe, stable environment that supports child resiliency. Her background includes the roles of executive director of an early learning nonprofit, Head Start administrator, adjunct instructor, author, professional development content creator, and preschool teacher. Jamie has a bachelor’s degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead and a master’s degree from Roosevelt University, both in early childhood education. She completed a Head Start Management Fellowship at UCLA and became a Certified Professional Project Manager through the University of St Thomas.

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